Friday, October 24, 2014

October 25 2014

October 25 2014 Greetings My Friend, Fatigue is my “norm” right now. I don’t know where it came from but these days I live with it knowing I will have some energy in a little while. I fell asleep again this morning after reading my Bible and during my prayers. This used to upset me but today I roll with it. I now understand that I will have these days and there will be days I will feel very active. My headaches from Chiari Malformation are still here but by being proactive I am keeping them at bay and the straining or coughing and sneezing headaches are not as fierce. Coffee in the morning helps. Inhalers help with the coughing so the headaches aren’t as often also. After writing my blog I will eat lunch. I will begin the housework routines I have gotten into place finally. I will jump on the elliptical and even strive to do some stretches. I’ve started looking at my balance issues and my illness much the same way I look at exercise. I may have a new problem but I will work it out so that I am able to do more as I am able. Stretching and balance routines tend to find me losing my balance. Today I’ve learned to hang onto a sturdy object like a chair and do the balance. It works and I am building muscle and stamina which means I am more active. We live in the mountains and our property is rather hilly. I have stopped going out to check on Junior’s work progress because I am unsure of navigating my way around. I found a sturdy walking stick and I walked the property. Now I’d like to walk the property and navigate some of the dips and valleys. As I gain confidence with more stable parts I believe I should be able to work my way through some of the harder spots. That is my theory. When I view my disability in the context of exercise I find that I am not so overwhelmed with it. It is here to stay but if I can learn to do a bit more then I believe I will be able to do more than if I gave into it. Using essential oils like peppermint and eucalyptus helps calm my COPD so I use it daily. Lavender on my feet at night is giving me a more steady restful night. I still have moments of waking up but these days a trip to the recliner and a easy going TV program finds me falling right back to sleep. If I stay in bed I tend to wake up more so. Today it is noon before I am finding my brain functioning and my feet willing to move and that is okay. Junior understands these days better as well. He is learning when I can’t I can’t and when I can I get up and move. His positive comments help propel me into action. His quiet understanding comments help me to sit when I can’t and not berate myself. When the energy comes he knows I will do what I can. Junior is hoping that within the next year he should be fairly much done with the heavy renovating and we can start our project of refurbishing furniture to sell at yard sales and such. Knowing Junior my guess it could be two years but at least there seems to be an end in sight and that is exciting to me. Learning to live within my capabilities has taught me to enjoy life right where I am at. I am thankful for all I do have and I learn to accept what I don’t. God is good. May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you. Love Janet

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...