20 2014
My Friend,
am praying through Jesus' last hours on the cross. Once more I am at
the point of Jesus crying out “My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me.” I feel anguish and pain as I replay these words
through my mind again.
I see Jesus' pain was so deep. His body was beaten and battered
beyond recognition. I can only absorb a tiny peace of the deep pain
He went through. I know beyond a doubt that He was in major pain but
my mind can not fully wrap my brain around the intense pain.
also have begun to see that along with physical pain Jesus suffered
major emotional and spiritual pain. Jesus was fully God and fully man
which in my mind means that even Judas' betrayal hurt Him a lot. He
knew that Judas would betray Him but the fully man part in Him tells
me that He felt the pain of betrayal as we would feel it.
God turns His back on Jesus I sense again deep pain. I hear it as
Jesus cries out “My God, my God why have you forsaken me.” I hear
immense pain and at the same time I see that life without God is
about as awful as life can be even worse. Jesus' anguished cry keeps
going through my system.
years I believed that God was real. I for some reason did not figure
out the way to be in relationship with God though. I did not know how
to seek God with all of my being.
much as I hated to be divorced I am grateful as well. In my lowest
point I found myself talking with my heart to God. I began a serious
walk with the Lord at that low point in my life. I have found the
peace I was searching for in a moment of despair.
days I don't want to ever walk alone again. I know the painfulness of
walking alone on my own steam. In my world I never felt wanted,
special or even intelligent. Then I began my walk with God and I have
never felt so wanted and special. God gives my life definition and
meaning. My definition is God everything for God and about God and
nothing about “me.” The more I give my “all” to God the more
alive I feel.
people seem to point out I take my belief a bit too far. As the
saying goes though “Jesus died for me and that is pretty serious.”
At this point in my life I do take my faith very seriously. I want to
offer the “hope” I have to others especially a hurting soul.
Bible teaches us that we are to “love God with all our heart, all
our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength.” I try to
live a life that filters everything first through God's eyes. When I
can do this I find peace, acceptance and love.
goal is to lift “all of me” up to God and give my best to God. As
I learn to give my life to God I find God teaching me to be the
person He wants me to be and in that I find I like this person.
people struggle with my faith journey and the seriousness of it. Some
people respond to my faith walk. I make people laugh, I reach out to
a friend who is sick or hurting. Junior and I have two friends this
past month come by for a visit and we provided a place of rest for
them. I like that we can offer them a quiet place when life is crazy.
like ministering to others. I like stepping outside of “me” and
living for another person's good. This is where I find God reaching
out to me and when I reach out as I receive God's love I find the
circle of life to be complete and full.
has given me life and now I want to offer the “hope” I have. Have
you accepted Jesus' gift of the cross.
God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you.
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