Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 10 2014

May 10 2014

Greetings My Friend,

One more issue has been found out to my decline. I do have a mild case of COPD. My doctor doesn't think it will get real bad and that comforts me. I do recall Mom and her turning blue etc. I won't get that bad due the fact I never smoked and I left 2nd smoke 17 years ago. At present I will use an as need inhaler and an inhaler to maintain lung function. It works.

I asked for a walker with wheels and my Doctor wants to wait to see if the inhalers will allow me to walk longer without out being tired or out of breath. I was encouraged as to the possibility that I can walk longer and I may not be as tired as I have been in recent years.

My nephew had back surgery yesterday. He is out and doing well. He said when he woke up that he was in less pain than before the surgery. He has been off of work for a while now. He has enjoyed being home more with his wife and children.

His faith journey has gotten a bit stronger and I told him that this accident may be a blessing in disguise. The pain has been unbearable for him but in the meantime the closeness he has had with his family is priceless.

He is looking into another position that will give him more time with his family. I was so proud to hear this. I sense the closeness in his relationship as well and it makes me happy for them.

Sometimes our journey with the Lord is confusing. Why would God accident that keeps “me' in pain? Why would God allow my children to pull away from me when I tried my best to be a good mother? Why would God.....

As the years go on though I begin to see God's hand for my betterment in many of the hard situations that life bring my way. I did not want my former marriage to end. I wanted him to stop the abuse he was doing. I even prayed asking that our marriage be saved. Many years later I see the blessing in the harshness of divorce. It was hard to be single again after 24 years. I felt so lost and alone and at that low point I began my faith journey in earnest.

The hard parts were there still but I did not feel alone. I felt a hand guiding my steps as I learned to pray asking for help. I felt a peace as I met and married Junior. I feel God teaching me to be the wife Junior needs and I am letting go of what I'd like to be as a wife.

God placed writing on my heart at a tender young age. I tried my hand at writing when my children were young. I needed an immediate income to supplement the family income so I found a job.

As I married Junior God guided my writing path. I started writing Junior letters each day before I went to work. He came home 3 hours before I did in the evening and this was my way to greet him and give him a hug. It worked and Junior loved my letters.

God taught me to tell Junior what I admired and respected in him. For me the letters kept me focused on Junior's good qualities and not on his bad traits that could drive a wedge between us. I was aware of his flaws but his flaws did not consume me.

A friend stepped beside me and mentored me so I could find my “style” in writing and it gave me confidence to write more. Then an opportunity to help put out a newsletter came along and I did that for a while. As I retired I felt God telling me to write “Letters From Janet” about my faith journey. I have done that for 6 years or now.

Last fall my cousin taught me how to write on Twitter and to manage it on another program called Hootsuite. I am growing in this. I can't seem to find the energy to do any volunteer work or even work part time outside our home. I can write and keep house. I can work at the pace my body will let me and I am about as content as I can be.

Learning to “hear” God takes time. I also need to speak to God often. I need to read the Bible often. In that I can then begin to hear the Holy Spirit's prompting.

As I have learned to pray to the “Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit” separately I have learned to “hear” God's voice in my life. Sometimes I ask God to show me a sign and sometimes I step out in faith. As things work out well I learn to discern God's voice from my own wants.

As I re read this I realize again that I am on a journey. These days though I am not as lost and lonely and in pain like I was at one point in my life. God is very real in my heart and I truly want God to stay there.

Whose voice do you listen to?

May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you.



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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...