Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20 2014

February 20 2014

Greetings My Friend,

Another winter is leaving quickly. I made it through the winter and am proud of myself. I hate winter time so much. Out here in VA it is much easier than in MI and by the end of winter I am ready for warmer weather again.

I had a doctor appointment yesterday so we made it a day. It was in town so we did some shopping we were needing to get done. A store is going out of business so we made a stop at that store and I picked up a few things.

We finished up at Wal Mart's getting groceries and such. It worked out well. We tend to lump our days of running with our doctor appointments and frankly it works. At this point in our lives we are able to stay home and not leave for a few days at a time and then we run as we have appointments. It works out real nice.

We have the entry way fairly much in order again. I love the new look and have posted pictures on FB. Along with working on rearranging the entry way Junior has been rearranging the enclosed porch, building a cabinet for the kitchen and he amazes me.

We now have a coffee area set up in the kitchen. Our coffee supplies are handy and even cups will be right there as we wake up and pour ourselves a cup of coffee. I marvel at Junior's mind and his creative ways. At the store yesterday Junior found a rug for our front door. It blends in rather nicely with the print on the area rug. I would never have tried this combination but I must admit it is perfect.

The one book case in the corner is also great. I have baskets where I have placed shoes in them. Now our fur children can't get at my shoes and chew them. I had a spot where they could get at my shoes. My love of baskets is in use once more. I have books around the baskets and the baskets are up high enough the fur children can't reach in and take them.

My visit to the doctor entails more tests and specialist visits. I again believe old age is having a part time job going to various doctor appointments. I told my doctor that each time she told me that my lungs sounded clear I felt I had overcome the effects of being around second smoke for over 40 years. She mentioned that just because my lungs sounded clear it did not mean I was free of lung problems.

I will have a few tests done to check out my lungs. It also makes sense once more as I realize that I tend to wear out rather easily. I struggle on very humid days to breath and to do everyday tasks. It may also be why I wear out quickly as well. We will see.

I also have found a way to get things done these days. I have finally learned to work in spurts. Being retired I can take most of a day to clean up my home. I have assigned each day with certain tasks to get done along with the everyday stuff like making our bed. It works.

I have found a way to have privacy and at the same time I am able to look out a window. Junior and I have devised a way to hang shelf paper on the window. With the little tiny holes in it I can see out and seeing in is rather hard as I've tested it out several times. We get light in and I like that.

God is how I do life. I marvel when I discover that I am tending to take more of my life to God first. As Junior struggled a few weeks ago I asked God to help me. God guided me and as I called for directions the people I called were available.

God is the one who has led me to this doctor. She seems to pinpoint the things I need to do and that is a huge relief. God teaches me to be the wife that Junior needs me to be. I marvel when I am able to touch Junior's heart. I marvel that Junior truly loves me.

Daisy and Mindy are my children/grandchildren I have longed to nurture. I love playing with Daisy's hair and dressing her up for our errands that she tags along on. Mindy plants herself in my lap each time I sit down and "owns" me that is until Dad comes along and then she "owns" Dad for a while.

The older dogs are my grown children and we share moments of quiet time, walking and what have you. I have a sense of protection as well since they tend to let me know each car that drives by.

God knew I had a need to care for someone. The fur children fill that need. God even knew the right house for us. I marvel at how much I love this place and I am excited for the day all the renovating is done. This house is perfect for us.

As I continue to take walks, drive around I fall in love over and over with the mountains, the trees and the quiet peace that this area offers us. It is God who directed us to move here and I continue to marvel at all the little tiny details He has worked out for us to follow and enjoy.

Out here in the middle of no where I have learned to love staying home and being quiet. In the city I am sure I would have taken on more than I can handle but out here I learn to pace myself and I enjoy the slower pace even more so.

"Be still and know that I am God." This passage comes to me often and I relish that I have learned how to "be still." In the stillness I see things that my busy mind and body would tend to miss. I am learning what makes "me" the person I am. I find that I also like myself as I am and I don't have that need to please everyone. My need now is to please God first and foremost. It works out rather nicely.

God reminds me that doing what I can when I can and sitting when I can't is truly OK. As I absorb this lesson I find that I am at peace with life even if my body is not what it used to be. I learn to live in the body of an older woman and I relish each day.

"Be still and know that I am God." This passage is always whispering at me and in the stillness I learn so much. I love deeper.

The song "In the stillness of the night" plays in my thoughts.

May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you.



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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...