Friday, February 25, 2011

February 26, 2011

Greetings My Friend,

As I write, I am going through a grieving process. My brother has just passed and of course with that memories seem to flood my mind. As I was talking with someone on the phone, she mentioned that she sees that I am deeply hurt. She sees a need to please at any cost. She reads my blog frequently and commented that I talk about Agape love quite a bit. She felt that I needed to give myself Agape love as well. I felt myself bristling. I heard the comments roll through my brain again, “Janet, it’s not about you” type of comments.

Agape love is seeking another’s highest good. If I am seeking another’s highest good, then should I not seek my highest good? It’s not seeking my way at any cost. Over and over as I have gone through counseling I have learned that in order to help others first you must take care of yourself. That is part of my dysfunction. I want to give until I can’t give anymore and then attempt to give more.

The memory I have is one of when I was a young girl. Dad had gone down into the basement to do laundry. I went down there to hang out and talk to him. As he was loading laundry into the washing machine, he looked at me and said, “Janet, I give up on you.” I had done something wrong and he was put out with me. In my head at the time and for years afterward I remember thinking, “No don’t give up on me, I’m here Daddy, don’t give up on me. I won’t do it again.”

My brother and sister often called me “Goody two shoes.” I think I tried to be good, to figure out what “good” was so no one would give up on me ever again. I also remember trying to figure out the right formula for life. I thought I’d be able to figure that out and then life would be ok.

I felt if I loved enough, then I would be loved back, automatically. I began in earnest trying to let go of my temper. I tried to find the perfect way to blend in and not be harsh. I began a long journey of people pleasing ways. These people pleasing ways found me enmeshed in abuse. I tended to think I was worth nothing and making everyone happy was the only way to live. As the years went on, I hated loud words, heated arguments, somehow I was going to lose and I had lost who I was in all of that. I entered into counseling a very hurting woman. As I began to assert myself, I found some relief from the pain in my life. I’d go for a while, stop and then I was back in counseling.

Agape love comes back to me, so what does that look like? How do I give it to myself? The last thing I want to do is be harsh, mean or self centered etc. I want to love, I really do. So I am beginning a new journey to include self Agape love. I am in prayer a whole lot with this.

I start by looking at how God loves me. “For God sent His only Son, that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” God loves me. That is a marvel to me. I’ve had plenty of people tell me that I am annoying and irritating. God accepts me, and that seems strange. I don’t have to jump through hoops to be loved by God. I do need to listen though and it can be difficult at times. God doesn’t forgive us and we go on our merry way. We need to open our hearts to Him and allow Him to change us. These changes can be difficult, but worth the effort. In Jesus, I have found peace and as I have begun my journey to change, I find wholeness, a peace.

I think again, a faith journey is not a destination but a journey. That means some days I “get it” and some days I need to figure it out again. Sometimes I fall down. God isn’t giving up on me just because I fell down. He is holding me and I can start over again. Some people will never give their heart to God. As they go along in their addiction, or their dysfunction they will find their struggles overtaking them. If you won’t let God in, eventually He will harden your heart. So, I never ever want to go back to “those years.” I want God in my life and I never want to go back to what once was.

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law.” Scripture teaches me how to be loved and how to love others. “For God first loved us.” These passages help me in my journey. Jesus also went to the Temple and threw out the money changers, people who were gouging the people. He told to Pharisees and Sadducees bluntly that they were not of God but were harming His people. I learn there is a balance and I learn how to balance my life.

As I soak up scripture, I pray and I am in a journey, I find I can love as I am loved by God. I am also not a doormat for people to wipe their feet on. Sometimes I do have to say “stop, don’t, I don’t want to.” If people have a problem with that, then it is not for me to own, but their problem.

May God bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you.


Friday, February 18, 2011

February 19, 2011

Greetings My Friend,

Thoughts at large:

“Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.” For some reason this quote keeps playing through my mind. I have a few things floating through my brain of late. Most of them deal with money.

When I was a little girl my Dad would often have me deal with bill collectors. He knew the time they generally called and if I was at home, he’d make me answer the phone. He told me that if I told them that he was there, he’d beat me. He sat there blowing smoke in my face and had a threatening look on his face. The bill collector seemed to know that Dad was near and started threatening me.

It was awful. This left a lasting impression on me and both husbands soon learned that I never wanted bill collectors calling me. I became anal about money, I wonder why? All these years later….I’m not even angry or hurt anymore. At this point in my life, I’m even grateful that Dad did that.

I’m grateful because, I started putting money aside out of my check. When I started at the bank, I started putting a little aside in a 401K account. The bank went through a merger early on in my career and at that point I decided that if something like that happened again, I’d like to not worry and retire.

When I married Junior we sought the advice of a financial advisor. We put the money he suggested into our 401k. The last few months I worked I upped my deductions. We were faithful in setting this money aside. Along with Junior’s pension and what we put away, we are doing well. We are not rich, we are good. This money needs to last us, the rest of our lives.

I have people in my life that seem to think I am rich. They seem to think that I need to give, loan whatever to them as they want. I am also learning that giving money does not always help people out. Some people are your friend as long as you give to them. If you don’t give to them all of a sudden, they step out of your life.

Again, I find that some people can’t seem to handle money, won’t save etc. They expect me to bail them out with each passing of the wind proposition that comes along. They are angry if I won’t loan them money.

To me a real emergency is like we had as kids, Dad had polio, Grandma and Grandpa walked out on us – that is a real emergency. To buy a car, fix on your house, and take a vacation or such is not an emergency. The car for instance, there is mass transit. I took a bus to work for many years.

Another thought playing through my mind is one I had years ago. I saw a pendulum on a clock swinging back and forth. Sometimes the pendulum swung real far one way before it settled in the middle. This picture was one I focused on a lot as I went through counseling.

As I grew in counseling I began to assert myself. I remember seeing abuse victims who got out of their abuse and were very hard people. I did not want to be that way. I wanted to be lovable, not mean and cranky.

As I began to implement what I learned, I found myself facing a variety of new situations. First I had people tell me I was selfish. These people were vested in my dysfunction and did not want me to change. They were angry when I said I did not like something or I did not want to do that or even if I said “no.” I also found myself over asserting. I had to try being assertive on before I could find the middle ground. As I grew I learned to not be so harsh.

As I go through counseling again, I am learning to be assertive again. As I went through grieving recently, I had people tell me that I told too much on Facebook. I wanted my friends to pray for a family member and I told a brief description of the illness. I like to know a little bit when I pray and so I gave information as generally as I could. I quit asking for prayers, because I did not want to offend.

As I continued on in counseling, I found myself confronting people instead of avoiding them. I had someone in my life get upset when we visited certain people. I’d had enough and made a phone call. I confronted this person in a way I had not confronted someone in a long while.

When the family member died, I put my feelings on Facebook. In brackets I said I had to do this. I was confronting people there as well. As I confronted this person about who visited us. I found myself startled at what was coming out of me. Junior was even proud of me. As I talked on the phone the one time, he was in the kitchen clapping his hands. That felt nice too. Experience teaches me that I will go a little overboard before I swing back to the middle again.
Realizing that I am hyper has been a moment as well. I find that Junior gets frustrated with me sometimes. As I grasped that I am hyper, I realized some of the things I was doing was to compensate for my need to change constantly. For instance, I often ask how long something will take. When I know that something should last for so many hours, then I begin to find things to fill my time so I won’t bother him. I am starting to figure out that some of my asking is so I won’t be bugging him constantly.

So I grow, I learn again things I learned a long time ago and I am liking “me” once more. I am who God is creating me to be and I am finding comfort in that.

May God bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you.


Friday, February 11, 2011

February 12, 2011

Greetings My Friend,

Today I am pondering the cross. As I have gone on in my faith journey, I tend to find myself focused on things and then new lessons seem to come to me. As I learned to really pray, I felt God saying to me “look at the cross.” For me my faith journey really began in earnest at the cross. I had wanted to avoid the cross. It was awful to see in my mind’s eye the horror of what our Savior endured.

At the cross, I saw immense physical pain. Actually before Jesus went to the cross, He endured pain beyond belief. He was scourged. That means He was given lashes with a whip. The whip had bone fragments and glass chards tied to the whip. Not only was His back tore up with the whip, it was tore up more due to the glass and bone tied to it. Part of his backbone may have even shown through.

At this point I realize that our Savior endured emotional pain. He was hung up naked for the entire world to see. The disciples had run off. He was made fun of “If you are really God, then come down from that cross,” type of sayings. The soldiers gambled for His clothes, while He was hanging on the cross. Our Savior endured so much pain both physical and emotional. He saw His mother watching Him die, not easy to see for sure. She was crying, her child was up there.

After our Savior was scourged, He was mocked. That wasn’t just name calling and shoving alone. The crown of thorns were forcefully placed on His head, not to just set up there gently, but pushed down into His scalp. I saw a painting one time where blood was dripping into His eyes, that means His eyes stung with the salt from the blood. They dressed Him in purple robes, a sign of royalty. Then they made fun of Him. The cruel remarks about Him being Savior and saving Himself were plentiful. The soldiers then took a rod, I believe it was a steal rod and hit Jesus on the face. The Bible says He was disfigured. That to me means His face was swollen profoundly. I want to cry. Jesus is weak at this point. The soldiers made Him carry His cross. He fell and another man was forced to carry it for Him.

On the hill, Jesus is then nailed to the cross. I wince with the thought of nails being pounded into His flesh. At this point our Savior struggles to breathe. He struggles with a pulling up to get air into His lungs, falling back down to the original position for the rest of His life. He can only get air when He pulls Himself up. As He runs out of air, He then pulls up again. I also realize that His back is so very tender and the boards are not soft on His back and again I want to cry.

Lately, I marvel at the compassion our Savior still had. Me, I’d want to curl up in a ball and cry. Thoughts for others would be far from my mind. One of the first things Jesus did was pray, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Next He gives Mary to John to go live with him. He took care of His mother. Lastly He tells the thief he will be in paradise with Him. He does all that while trying to breathe.

At this point I begin to see what hell is. I see that if I had not accepted Jesus’ death confessed my sins and began to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me, change me and that is what eternity would be pain, more pain and still more pain. So as I see in my mind’s eye once more, I find myself rejoicing when I see Jesus has conquered the grave.

At the cross, I learn compassion, grace and mercy. I find myself desiring to change, to accept people where they are at. It doesn’t mean that I allow people to walk on me for the sake of being mean. Jesus often told the Pharisees what He thought, bluntly and without apology. He threw out the money lenders etc in the temple when they were trying to gouge the people for the animals that were to be sacrificed.

One of the things I marvel at is Jesus accepted the lowest of low people. He loved prostitutes, lepers and the like. He gave them hope. Mary, the one who came and dumped expensive perfume on Jesus, then cleaned His feet with her tears, was a prostitute. The woman at the well was married to 5 men and the sixth she just lived with. The ones with no hope, accepted Jesus’ teachings, changed their lives and are more than likely in heaven, while the teachers and the ones who looked respectable and were not really, I shudder to think where they are at. Again I hear the teaching about the cup. The inside is clean while the outside is dirty teaching. I hear that we must be changed from the inside to the out and not fake a clean heart.

I have a deep desire to love as I have been loved by God. I have a deep desire to accept people who are way different than me. I have a need to be in prayer a whole bunch. Prayer teaches me to open my heart to those who are strange to me. My once very critical nature is changing. I realize at the cross that I am a sinner and that “God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

As I once more walk out of immense emotional pain, I realize again that I am loved and it really doesn’t matter if others don’t like me. God does. I have a renewed urgency to go forth and spread the Good News….Jesus loves the lost, the lonely and the unlovable. How do I do it? For me, it is writing this blog, my book, being a friendly face when I see hurt in someone’s eyes and being a friend to whomever God sends my way. Being with the “cool” crowd is no longer important.

Jesus told the disciples to go out and give the Good News. If they were not accepted, then they were to dust the dirt off their feet and move on. The lesson for me is that people won’t like me, I talk too much, I am hyper, I repeat myself AND that is ok.

Won’t you consider the cross?

May God bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you.


Friday, February 4, 2011

February 5, 2011

Greetings My Friend,

“Shut the door” plays through my brain right now and I ponder the Bible’s teachings. I am definitely not a “shut the door” person. I need to look at the layers in life before I can shut the door. That said I have shut the door to things in life. There seems to be a moment where I can’t go on the way I once did. Divorce comes to mind. The life I lived with my first husband is now done. I’ve pondered, thought about what went wrong, my piece to it etc. We learned in our re-married classes that we needed to look and to see what we did to contribute to the problems in our previous marriage and then we learned to not repeat ourselves in this marriage. It has been a very helpful tool overall.

I’ve shut the door to that life at this point. I do from time to time talk about things that had gone on. Most of my divorced friends will from time to time re-visit the previous marriage’s struggles. For the most part though, that is done and settled within our hearts and minds. Junior’s neighbor had gotten divorced seven years prior to my marrying him. She talked to me several times over the fence and at first I thought she was newly divorced. I quickly realized that I did not want to be in that much pain or to constantly be held captive to my feelings years from my previous marriage and into the new marriage. I am happy though that I grieved that first marriage then tried to learn the lessons I needed to learn. There seems to be a point where you need to let go and move on.

At one point in Jesus’ life He sent the disciples out on their own to bring the Good News to others. He told them that if they were not received then they needed to brush the dust off of their feet and go on. That sounds like a shut the door moment to me. I am learning that either “shut the door or look back” moments both are in the Bible.

In recent years I’ve shut some doors. These have been very painful moments for me. I’d rather not have shut the door, the time came and…….. As I have shut the door I did dig to find out what went wrong. I tried to find if there was a way to rectify things and when I could not, I felt it was best to walk away. Sometimes I feel you can love people by letting them go. One of my favorite saying goes something like “let it go, if it is meant to be it will come back.” I often think of butterflies at this point.

I am finding comfort that both styles are in the Bible. I am finding that in life, I’ve used both methods to deal with life’s struggles. The Jewish people are taught to look back to see where they once were and where they are now. I am also able to allow another person the style they need so they can cope.

I think of Agape love again. We are to seek the other person’s highest good. As I go along on this journey I am finding that to be a wonderful way to live my life. I can’t do it all the time. I try to do it as much as I can though, in doing that, I have found life to be fuller and richer because I am able to accept people where they are at.

I have control issues. In the craziness of life I tend to want to make things go my way at times. As I have journeyed along in my faith journey though, I’m finding that the need to control is less and less important to me. I think Junior has helped me feel safe. He accepts my hyper ways, my constant digging into the layers of life personality. He isn’t always going ballistic when I want to explore so as I’ve been allowed to dig, I’ve been able to let go more and more.

Funny story, when we were first married I tended to wake up before him a lot. As I woke up, I calculated the hours he had slept and if it was 7-8 hours, I’d wake him up with, “can I talk?” Junior was the first person I felt safe with exploring all the thoughts in my brain. He did not mind listening to me and it was a new sensation. As the years have gone on, I find I don’t need to wake him up just to talk. When I need to explore things, I tell him and he lets me explore. He will give me his thoughts and that helps me to move on. He does not slam the door shut and won’t let me bring things up, that helps me so much. He lets me be me. That is why I love this man so much. He lets me be me, warts and all.

To me, I think both ways are great ways to handle life. Some people need to dig, to peer and then in that they can move on. There are some who need to move on right away, don’t look back. I do wonder though if someone opens a door that you want shut and you struggle then has the problem really been resolved? Junior is so good at shutting doors. He does not get all bent out of shape when a door is opened. He will tell me, “I don’t want to go there.” I then know to move on and quit talking about that subject. He does not put me down either because I’m a look back and peer type of girl. He seems to understand that unless I do that I can’t move forward.

Again I think on Paul’s teaching. We are all members in Christ. One is a hand, another is a foot and still another is a nose. If I think about the different places each of these parts are on the body, they are in very different locations. If each had an eye, each would see the world from a totally different perspective.

Are you able to accept someone who is totally different from you? Are you able to love people where they are at? Hard to do at times, still when I can… the people I’ve been able to love has been a blessing.

May God bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you.


July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...