Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

Greetings My Friend,

Porch sitting –I have come to love it. Out here in Virginia – I tend to sense God even more. Many people tell me, “This is God’s country.” The more I sit out here – the more I marvel at creation. I realize again that we are not a fluke of nature – nature has been created by God! The quietness envelopes me – invites me to be still, to listen – crickets creaking, the humming birds chattering, the caw of a bird fills the air. Green is everywhere and it is dotted with yellow, red, purple and a blue sky frames it all in. As I soak up nature’s beauty, I find peace seeping into my pores. As I allow myself to be still – I find love. In love I find power, strength and courage. Again God tells me that I am valuable, I am precious.

Lately I marvel….the Janet of 20 years ago or more would wrap her house around her. She would avoid life – life was too painful to live. The Janet of today can and does hurt. Today, I’ve learned to cry out to God. He takes me out to the porch and tells me to sit. As I sit God sends the humming bird over and he chatters. I hear birds cawing, crickets creaking. I see flowers burst forth in yellows, reds and purples. In this, peace begins to fill me. God has told me again how precious I am. I didn’t have to jump up and down or beg to be loved. God heard my cry and gave me his love. God reminds me….yes life can be difficult- sometimes I will send you into the fire. He reminds me again, “I never will leave you or forsake you! I will astound you at what YOU CAN DO! – In my power!

So porch time comes to an end again today. God reminds me to come back tomorrow – He wants to fill me yet again.



1 comment:

M said...

I truly enjoyed reading your words today!

July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...