Saturday, March 25, 2017

March 25, 2017

Greetings My Friend One of the things I ask God to do is to show me my strongholds and then to help me to walk away from them in His strength and power. Recently I have been asking God to guide me with a Parkinson's related problem and how to deal with it. I am learning that some over the counter medications are not helping as well as I thought they would and God has led me to eat Activia yogurt and a banana each night as I take my evening medications along with an over the counter laxative. It is helping me a whole lot and I am grateful. I have been giving up my treat that I truly enjoy which is homemade cookies so the other day when it came time to take my medications I felt led to enjoy 3 cookies instead of the banana and yogurt. I was a bit excited since I had made a batch of peanut butter no bakes earlier so I went out to put the cookies in a container since they had not been put away at this point. I got a small bowl to put my 3 cookies in and as I was putting the cookies into the container I saw a very small cookie so I ate it then I put my 3 cookies into the bowl to take with my medications. It was not a big deal eating that one small cookie, that is what I told myself as I popped it into my mouth. For some reason I instantly regretted this decision since I really had 4 cookies not the 3 God had told me to have. In the flesh that was not a big deal but in God's eyes it was a sin and with God there is no difference in that little cookie or what we consider a big sin like murder. Both are as bad because God is pure and holy. God wants only my best so when He sets limits it is not to harm me but to help me. I have constipation due to my disease and I need to stick to those things that will help me without filling up on things that don't help me. My intestinal track has been turned upside down so now that I have found relief I don't need to mess my system up with eating too much sugar. I have gone several days not eating any cookies and in the process regularity has returned to my body so the one little extra cookie may truly harm me. I knew when I felt bad that God would forgive me if I repented from my heart and I felt the forgiveness soon afterwards. I also have made a new commitment to not eat extra sugar and to follow the promptings God places on my heart. I have found myself enjoying the Activia yogurt because I have been allergic to milk and many milk products. I was surprised when God pointed me towards the brand of yogurt to use. This yogurt is supposed to help with digestive issues and I am inclined to believe that is why I am not reacting to the yogurt. I frequently eat a banana in the morning especially during the winter months. It seems the combination of 2 bananas one in the morning and one at night and yogurt is balancing my system out and I am grateful for God's guidance. I am amazed at how what I consider a tiny sin is truly not a tiny sin in my life. My indulgence could have upset my digestive track taking me back to where I was just a few days prior. I think this is what bothered me the most. Today I have resolved to trust God and to do what I have asked Him to do, help me with my problem. May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you. Love Janet

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...