Saturday, July 23, 2016

July 23, 2016

Greetings My Friend, I am not able to live without hope, hope helps me face day to day life and function. Our country has been through a very hard few weeks with the killing of people in Orlando at a gay bar and the killing of police officers in Texas. We are struggling with racial tensions due to the police and listening or watching the news is rather depressing. I begin to wonder if things could get much worse when I begin to see that all of America grieved the loss of life at the gay bar and the loss of officers lives. The police were monitoring a peaceful demonstration of protest regarding white officers killing black people. In the recent past the blacks rioted and now peaceful demonstrations warmed my heart. We need to hear the message not witness more violence. Violence begets more violence. After the police were killed a black woman, the mother I think of a black son that was murdered by a white officer had compassion for the families that just lost loved ones. She wants the violence to stop and I could not agree more. Black on black crime, white on black crime and black on white crime, all hurt our county even gay's have a right to live, to work. I pray we as a nation are turning back to our foundation of having God as our ruler and government leaders who follow Jesus leading the people. In this my hope is sustained. My re-married workshops taught me a valuable lesson and it applies to our nation today, that is we need to present a united stand. Junior and I have used this principal in our marriage and it allows us to make decisions, to follow through which means we move forward in our marriage. We are a team and when we have moments where we do not agree we talk it out. For the most part we generally come to a common ground and if we do not then we agree to disagree. The gay lifestyle is something I disagree with but that does not mean I have to force my opinions on them. I can work beside them, live beside them and even interact with them without harming them. To me when Jesus says "go forth into all the nations making disciples of all nations" He does not mean to harm others with our belief. I find that I am more willing to listen if others will hear me. Bringing the Good News to all people means we give the hope we have in a loving way opening the door for others, all others no matter who to come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. If we could live by this principal we then can stand strong against those that want to harm our nation and our way of life. Loving my neighbor means seeking their highest good, not giving out handouts to show how nice we are. When I see God in the Bible guide Israel, He provides for them, the people then have to go and do. In the desert God provided manna but the people had to go get it each day. God gave the people laws to live by and if the people obeyed they did well. We can not hand out money, food, housing to all people, we as a nation will run out of money. There will always be some that need extra care but if people are able to then they must work for their citizenship, their food and their housing. Paul teaches this in the NT. Illegals are breaking our laws when they enter our country. We have generations of immigrants who have come into our country, obeyed our laws and enriched our lives. If we can come together we can make this country great again, if we continue the "in" fighting, well there is not much hope. I prefer to repent to God and then pray He will lead us once more. May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you. Love Janet

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...