Saturday, June 25, 2016

June 28, 2016

Greetings My Friend Their are fires in California again, this time the fire doubled overnight. Floods are severe and causing severe damage all around our country, the world. There have been record snows and other natural disasters all around the world. The terrorists are hurting more and more people all around the world. These are what comes quickly to mind which makes me see God has begun pronouncing His judgement on us. The lesson in Hosea 4 shows me that God is aware of our heart and our false ways of worshiping Him. He announces over and over the things He sees and how the people are worshiping Him. He tells them He withheld rain, struck them with blight and mildew, sent pestilence and at the end of each judgement God states "yet you did not return to me," declares the Lord. He hated the false sacrifices the people brought to Him and the way they worship other God's. Comparing our day back to the Bible shows us that God still wants all of our attention and wants to us listen to His commands. He is pronouncing judgement on us because we have become a nation that chooses to not offend man but to choose to offend Him, the one true God. Those that are believers, Bible believing, reading believers are seeing God speak to us and we know that the warnings will continue. We get caught up in technical arguments of which sins are the worst not realizing the sin of lying is as awful to God as the sin of adultery. The one committing adultery is no better than the gossip. God sees the heart of each of us. He knows if we are truly trying to walk away from sin or just doing it to look good. Why are the terrorists gaining a foothold on all of our lives? It is because God is calling them to pronounce judgement. He will turn them away and they will be defeated only when we confess our sins to the one true God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the Father of our Lord Jesus. There are not many ways to heaven, there is only one way and our God is a jealous God. He wants us to choose Him. He longs for each of us to give our "heart" to Him. We can not connect with God's spirit unless we believe in His Son and allow the Holy Spirit to change us. God is calling each of us to Him, who will listen and repent? I pray all of us will and then to seek the Spirit of God to join with our spirit and to grow us into the image of His Holy Son. May the peace of Christ be with you. Love Janet

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...