Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 19 2016

Greetings My Friend While I was helping Junior change his bandage he was telling me he feels that he needs to learn a lesson and this is why God allowed him to injure his thumb. I often see life lessons from the things that happen to me so his thoughts made sense. Sometimes I think God allows things to happen for various reasons. Some of the lessons from God can be hard to swallow but at the end of the lesson it was the right one to learn and grow with. I feel Junior's pain each time we change his bandages. I hate seeing him go through this and I also know there are times all the subtle nudges were ignored so God has to get our attention. Junior related his lesson to the OT where God's people were blessed by Him and then they got lazy and began to follow other gods. God sent the prophets to tell His people and the prophets were ignored. God warned that if the people did not listen they would be put into captivity and still His people refused to listen and finally the people were taken into captivity. In captivity the people repented and in time God set them free. This happened over and over until the people were put into captivity for a very long time. I have seen this scene play out in my own life and it truly hurts. At the end of the day though I am grateful for the lesson even if it was painful. I marvel at how strong I am "in the Lord" because on my own I could not endure. After a while I also find a need to share my testimony with others.When I know that I am not alone in my journey of recovery I am comforted so I have a need to share so others may also find comfort in the Lord. Junior and I have had several opportunities to minister to other people since moving to Virginia and in my mind I thought we were to continue along the same path. With Junior's accident I see that a new ministry may be forming and we need to prepare for the work we are to be given. Junior having to slow down on the renovating due to his thumb being out of commission seems to be pointing to that direction. As he says the house will get done in God's time. I do not know how and yes I am a little anxious but I also believe God so I will tell Him my fear and then relax and move as we are directed. Our home is livable these days. The kitchen and bathrooms are functional now, not pretty yet and I have a work area in the kitchen finally where I can prepare meals. Most of the electrical plugs are in place so I can keep the crock pot in one place as I prepare meals in it. The canned goods all have a home now and with a good working space I am able to form my routine with little or no variations. I have decorated much of the house with curtains, placing the furniture where I like it and there is comfort there as well. With our home in decent order I am able to move in another direction more comfortably. We may still fix on the house but at a slower pace I am not sure. Time will tell. At the end of the day I know that I am able to accept this change of direction without a lot of anxiety. God will comfort those moments where anxiety will arise, today I am sure of that so I move forward into the unknown. We have moved from Michigan to Virginia and then we moved another time here in Virginia. I have worked through a host of health issues, learning to live in renovation upheaval and I am stronger emotionally. Each step of the way God has held my hand and nudged me forward at the right time. I may balk from time to time and I know God will be right there at my side. I keep learning, in God's time not mine. May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you. Love Janet

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...