Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 15 2014May 15 2014

May 15 2014

Greetings My Friend,

When we first moved to VA and bought this house we thought we would attempt to hire the work out for the renovating process. Once we started looking we found that getting contractors was next to impossible so Junior undertook the challenge. He isn't the handiest of men but he was willing to learn.

Sometimes he has to tear down what he built several times before it is just right. His patience is a marvel to me. He will work and learn until I'd give up but not Junior. Add back problems and balance issues due to a missing foot and I marvel at my man. The process is slow at best. Sometimes it is hard for me to be patient. A little conversation with God usually settles me down and I am not nagging my guy.

Junior has been working on the kitchen for months now. Included in his working on the kitchen he has built another shed, emptied the porch and other such things. The slow process of renovating is at a snails pace at times. During all of these distractions new ideas begin to form and we get a better idea of the footprint we want in the kitchen. We often state had we had the work contracted out we would more than likely be changing things to fit our needs more so.

Junior has put a set of book shelves in the dinning room. When I got up this morning he had emptied some of the shelves of “stuff” and has put cook books in their place. As I walk by I begin to think that the shelves could hold canned goods. I am toying with how to make this work and look attractive at the same time. It is a new plan for me to puzzle through. I love this process so it is a good fit.

After the kitchen is done we have a master bedroom we want to do along with a master bathroom and we'd like to open up the new enclosed porch to the TV area. I want these done sooner than later. I'm at the end of my renovation rope. God will help me to accept the pace Junior needs to work at and in the end the house will be just what we need.

The slow process has allowed me to see how I want to move around in the kitchen and that helps me cook more. Even though the kitchen is not finished there is enough order that I am once more in the kitchen making food again and loving it. Junior treats me to Sunday dinner so I have my time off moments as well. It is summer and making crock pot soups and such does not hit the spot. I am making dinner salads and omelets and loving it. Come winter I can see me making soup again. I love soup on a cold winters day.

The season of unrest is leaving our lives steadily these days. Routines are forming and I have energy again. I still wear out but now I am able to work around those moments. Junior is enjoying the picked up nature of our home and that makes me happy. He does not like spotless but he does like picked up. I am being the woman I love to be by cooking and taking care of our home along with having a writing career. Life could not be sweeter.

I realize that life is a journey and faith is a journey as well. These journeys take us on many different paths. My journey right now is into old age and a body that is not what it once was. I fell apart physically for a few years and now step by step I am finding my “footing” once more.

For the first time in my life I have not begun to think about the next home. I want to stay in this one. This home is the one God led us to and I marvel at how right and perfect it is for us. Everything is on one floor, no steps to deal with. We have a step to go up on the way in and that is it. We have a beautiful view to take daily walks in and that is precious.

In MI there is Heinz Park that we loved to drive through on our way here and there. Today our everywhere is that view we had as we went through Heinz Park. God led us to this perfect for us place. It has been a journey and at times very hard. Today though we are thrilled with the new life we have in the new to us state. Our home is so “us” that I marvel. It has been worth each step to reach this day.

I also learn again that God does not take struggles away but He is always near helping, guiding and holding us. To me it is worth each difficult step in the end. I also find a more confident “me” and I like that. Of course my confidence isn't in my abilities as much as God gives me the courage to step out in faith.

How is your journey in life? Are you asking God to guide your steps? Is it time?

May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you.



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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...