Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8 2014

February 8 2014

Greetings My Friend,
"Today is the first day of the rest of my life." "I know the plans I have for you, the plans to
prosper you and not harm you." "Faith, hope, love, the greatest of these is love." These things
help me do life. I thrive on little sayings. I also tend to share them on FB as I run across them.
I have many friends share what I share on their FB page as well.
I sense that many people tend to need to use sayings to help them do day to day life. Many people
don't seem interested in sayings. I find that we all tend to find strength and comfort in our own
special way.
At the hospital recently I was given a warmed up blanket. At home I tend to sit with a blanket over me
summer and winter. Blankets are a comfort to me. When life is too full or even scary I find that a blanket
will settle me down. My fur children tend to settle me as well. We all find those little security things
so we can face life in general.
I've come to think of God in that way as well. He is my comforter and my strength each day anymore. I've found
that He likes the things I do and I strive to make Him happy each day all day. As I learn to trust God to
rely on God I find that I can face life even when it is real scary.
As I layed in the hospital bed recently I found myself talking to God asking for strength and courage for whatever
the diagnosis was. I asked for strength as I was poked mutiple times with a needle that did not feel real good.
As I went moment by moment I found a deep hug on me. I found myself handling the situation and I did not feel
panicky. That felt real nice.
Junior's back was bothering him and he was getting real sleepy while waiting in the ER. He went to the car to take
a nap. In the meantime the Doctor came in to see me after a few hours that is. He wanted to admit me so I could get
a stress test the next day. Junior was outside and I was being moved. Panic wanted to settle in. It did not though
because I told the doctor where Junior was. The doctor had a security guard come in and get the information on our
car and such. He went out knocked on the window and Junior came in.
The old Janet would have panicked. I would have worried the whole situation to death to find out it wasn't that
big of a problem. Now I prayed and I asked and it worked out just fine. Junior got the rest he needed and I was
being taken care of. He came in and I told him the news. Since it was real late he went on home and I went to my
When the doctor came to me the next morning we discussed that I was to have a stress test and then more than likely
I'd be released. I called Junior with the information and the estimated release time. He came to get me at that point.
I was glad he did not come earlier because I was in and out of my room quite a bit. I was glad when he showed up to
pick me up and we waited 3 hours more for me to be released. He was there when I needed him and that was nice.
It is tiring when a loved one is in the hospital. It takes a lot of energy to keep the fires at home going, to go to
the hospital and visit the sick loved one. Many times the sick loved one isn't feeling good so they are sleeping a lot.
I find I am happy when Junior stops by for a visit. I don't expect him to stay all day long at my side as well. Knowing
he is taking care of the house, the fur children and such brings comfort to me.
I am gratefull for a smart phone because I can look online from time to time. I watch a lot of TV and of course the
hospital staff tends to want to do blood work, take my vitals and such. Between naps, the cell phone, TV and the hospital
staff poking at me I don't mind that Junior is not at my side all day long.
I do like his visits though. His visits tell me that I matter. He sometimes will intercede for me as well. He will
ask the nurse for a snack for me. He will get the nurse if something is wrong. I do have the call button but when
Junior is around and helping I feel wanted. I don't need him all day long though.
Soon the hospital visit is done with and I am on my way home. At home it usually takes me a day or two to get back into
the swing of things. My routines are a comfort for me as I re-enter into them. I know when I am feeling stronger by how
many of my routines I am doing.
I find myself talking to God more as I am alone a lot. I find comfort and strength as I talk to God. It was hard for me
to pray but as I tried to fall asleep I attempted to walk through my prayers. I fell asleep in the middle of some of
them. I started over and over as I forgot what I'd asked for earlier. In all of that though I felt God's gentle hand
on me and panic was not ruling me.
The Scripture that says "I will not leave you or forsake you" comes to mind and in that I relax and roll with the
whole situation.
Where is your strength?
May God bless you and keep you make His face to shine on you.

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...