September 26, 2009
Greetings My Friend,
Thoughts at large:
I went to the DMV to register to vote. When I walked in…I saw behind the desk a lady I go to Sunday school with. A familiar, friendly face – that felt good. We talked like friends – that felt real nice. Another day – I went to the grocery store– I met another lady from my Sunday school class and we talked for a few minutes. Again I felt REAL good. Later we went to the park in our area to get a pass AND I met a lady from our neighborhood. She had stopped me on one of my walks and asked to walk with me. Now I feel like I HAVE ARRIVED!
Junior is back too. Boy I have loved getting Junior back. I went to give him a letter while he was in his favorite chair. He grabbed me and pulled me to him. That felt good. While driving around…our humor was playing itself out. I loved it. We were bantering back and forth – something we haven’t done in a while.
The front room has taken shape – maybe not the final look, still it has a shape to it. That feels good. We put up the hutch and I am so tickled. It looks nice, and as with most of our furniture it serves more than one purpose now. It will hold books, and things in the drawers. The white cabinet that was in the basement in Redford when we moved in came south with us. I have it on the wall near my desk. I have pretty colored baskets on the top shelf and am using them like a desk drawer. I have pens and pencils in one; little scissors in another and each one has its basket filled with drawer type stuff. It is colorful and functional. I have found some boxes and folders so I can file my papers as well – all very colorful. I like color. We brought the tri fold mirror from our basement in Redford and hung it up in the bathroom. We also brought the over the toilet cabinet from the basement. Both are white and they brighten the bathroom up very nicely.
Lesson I should have known and had to learn again: Don’t drag the plastic trash bag on gravel – IT WILL BREAK and it DID! Boy that was a mess to clean up! I wound up taking a nap when I got done!
Slowly our porch is getting emptied. We will have a yard sale soon. A great way to meet our neighbors and hopefully our excess stuff will find a home.
Junior again his humor is back. We have the white U-Haul truck we bought. He found some spray paint and has started to color the box. There are two stick figures – a man and a woman - painted on one side. He makes me laugh more often again.
Another lesson learned: ticks and such live out here. If we let the cats out to wander while we work – we should probably rub them down with flee powder. My legs look a lot better once we did that and sprinkled it on the floor.
I am starting my day off with a cup of coffee – real coffee! I love it. The caffeine helps with the neck pain. I am learning to pour a cup, go sit – usually on the porch and drink it and drink in the view. I wake up slowly, peacefully – wonderfully. Now after the coffee – I am a challenge – I love to talk and talk and talk and talk. Junior is used to me. My sister doesn’t know how to deal with the hyper Janet. So it goes.
Again I think of the Michigan – Ohio line. Again I find that I have let go of stuff. Does it hurt? Yes, but that state line helps me keep the Michigan stuff in Michigan. My sister and Junior have been patient while I have grieved, let go and now I move on.
Our new life has begun. I am excited. Soon, I will begin writing my book – a little off schedule – not bad though. Michigan I have loved you – Virginia I am now your child. Let’s see where life will take me/us. Prayerfully, I hope that we continue to grow in the Lord and find His will for me, for us.
May God bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon youl.