Tuesday, October 3, 2017

October 3, 2017

Greetings My Friend,

As the debate goes around the nation about standing to say the pledge, to sing our national anthem, my heart breaks as I see rich athlete's state that they are oppressed. I sense a nation about fed up with the disrespect that abounds and the tension grows thicker with each perceived injustice. I go the the Word of God and I am led to this passage in Micah "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." We are a nation on the tipping edge of self destruction from within. I felt such hope when after the hurricanes struck, the fires, the floods and the total chaos of natural disasters that we were once more coming back to a nation of people caring for each other. There is a voice  that has not been heard and is tired of not being heard by our elected officials, the media and that voice is tired of all the special interest groups hating America. We finally have a leader who "hears" us who stands up for us and the country is so filled with hatred that they want his downfall at the cost of dividing our nation. The end of the world may be near, to me I see we are not unlike the ancient Jewish people who kept telling God they would follow His ways only to walk away the next day after He rescued them in mighty ways. Our land no longer attempts to follow God, we have the attitude that God does not know what He is doing God sends us as I call it spankings and each spanking gets a lot worse. We are in the midst of fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and still we fight. We stop for a moment to care for those who are hurting from the floods etc. only to taunt each other again. Where is forgiveness in this nation? There is none. Why aren't those that are making top dollar and feeling oppressed going out to help those who are in need, no they prefer to disrespect what others have fought so hard for, the freedom that we as a nation take for granted and feel it is their right to blame every generation but our own. The common prayer is to ask God " If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their country." We need to repent, accept that we have sinned and then God will forgive us, not pray this prayer and stay the same way. Part of me thinks those of us who go to church, believe God is the true God are not praying this prayer of repentance and then allowing God to humble us. I am praying for revival in my heart first, for the nation 2nd and I am seeking God to lead, guide and direct my path which I pray is the start of a revival first in me then in the land. The end of the world may be coming soon, until then is it not up to us believers to seek God's hand on us, our land, the world? Let us begin by seeking for the church to ask for forgiveness then we can hear God, guide us to the reconciling peace with our neighbor. We can not know God's heart unless we read the whole Bible, not once but over and over and then we will begin to hear God from heaven bring healing to our land. I end this with my prayer, Father forgive me for I am a sinner, I have sat back because it is comfortable and it is easier to lament the wrongs than to seek You and ask how You want me to go forward into my world. In Jesus name I pray. Love Janet

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...