Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 19, 2017

Greetings My Friend,

Slowly I am switching to wearing dresses only and I am having fun buying mostly thrift store finds right now. One dress is a button down jean dress with long sleeves, it is too small to button up around my belly but I am planning on wearing as a light weight jacket for cool fall days. Pastor Jenny's wife does this with some of the dresses she finds and it looks real nice. It has been a year now since I have started wearing dresses all the time, I am surprised how much I don't mind wearing dresses. I wear long to the ankle length dresses which allows me to sit cross legged, not show anything private off. Last winter I wore skirts they are okay although it is easier to slip a dress over my head than a skirt and a top. I have started finding short sleeved dresses, 2 long sleeved dresses for the cooler weather I am happy I made the choice to stop trying to balance to put slacks or shorts on. With a dress it means I slip it over my head then I am done. While we were walking down the road the other night a neighbor stopped to talk to us for a minute. Of course the first thing you ask is how are you doing. I was asked this question first so I mentioned I had Parkinson's Disease. The woman answered that the disease is the one where people shake. Out of 4 people I know who have PD, only one shakes all the time. My shakes are mostly not noticeable with the occasional twitching with my hands. Tight muscles seem to be the major struggle I deal with and extreme fatigue. I am getting tireder when we run around town. When we went to Kingsport, I drank a cup of coffee which allowed me to do errands with Junior and not stay in the truck. We went to Bristol a couple of days later the coffee helped me somewhat. I am struggling to do the same amount of housework and baking, dehydrating that I did a year ago. I keep finding that PD is a whole lot more than shaking although the shaking is what people associate PD with. It is the extreme tiredness, the struggle to walk and stay on my feet because walking these days wears me out when I am walking on my own steam. I wear out using a walker, not as quickly though. I don't use anything to assist my walking in the house so I tire quicker, which makes me think it may be time to use a walking stick or cane, even the walker. I feel confident at home and I don't wobble. That is the other thing we need to do, it is to constantly rethink what we are doing so that we can do the most we can with what energy, stability we have. I find myself in prayer a whole lot asking God to give me strength for another day. Junior is picking up the work I no longer can do, I am grateful but he has a lot of work he must do as well. I was the one who was going to take care of Junior, he is 7 years older than I am, has a bad back instead he is taking care of me. God has been with us throughout this process so far and I am sure that He will be guiding us as we go forward, it is the only way I can deal with all of the things going on in my body. I find the porch time at the end of the day settling, quieting my anxiety as I watch the fire and as we talk about life in general. I run through the list of things I accomplished I am grateful for what I was able to do. Instead of doing more housework we have started going to Wednesday night prayer meetings I feel a need to be out and about as much as possible knowing that soon, I won't be able to be with people much at all. I work hard at attending church, so far I am able to go. I love the worship time the time to be with other Christians. God is great and Junior cherishes me. For this I am grateful. May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you. Love Janet\

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...