Monday, October 13, 2014

October 14 2014

October 14 2014 Greetings My Friend, A message is heavy on my heart today. It is one that has played around the corners of my brain and today it seems to be begging to find its way into words. I feel it in a personal way and I feel it for others who are on the fringe of society as well. There is the “I’m saved and going to heaven and ‘you’ are not” crowd. They get all offended over a to me minor swear word or if my Christian language is not “perfect” or I don’t show up at church “all” the time. I don’t volunteer and do the work they feel is the work of the church. It could be I am working as unto the Lord but it isn’t the “prescribed” work within the church itself. The woman at the well was very unwanted in her day. She knew this and came to the well when the other women were done drawing water. She had been married 5 times and was living with a man. She met Jesus there not knowing who He was. He asked her to draw Him some water and from there she met our “Savior”. She was so excited she went to town and brought people back to meet Jesus. The woman caught in adultery is another undesirable person Jesus reached out to and gave “hope and love” to. Jesus reached out to Lepers, to the blind, to the demon possesed and again I wonder how “we” get that “air” of entitlement about us. Then I think Jesus, the King of the universe chose to leave the comfort of heaven, come to our world and even came into our world as we come into the world. I have been puzzling through this thought recently. He was conceived by the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary gave birth to Him. At this point I marvel. Jesus went through each stage of life we did that is until His death. He grew, felt and did day to day life just like we do. He learned to walk, to share His toys, to eat and the whole nine yards. The other thing I notice is Jesus could have come into our world powerful as the world sees power. He came in the power of love, really I believe He brought Agape love to us showing us how to seek each other’s highest good. A I grew in my faith I often marveled at God’s power. He parted the Red Sea. He made barren women have children, He made water pour forth out of rocks. His power is everywhere. The power that is mind boggling to me though is His power to love and that love is what changes the hardest of people to be Agape loving people. “What is man that God even notices him?” Lately I marvel as I ponder God’s creation on the hugeness and the smallest of His creation. It goes something like this there is the hummingbird and then the ostrich. There is the minnow and the whale. The mouse and an elephant and oh my! In each of those God has made the most perfect of inner working for the size of body He created. Of course as I expand this thought I think of a grain of sand and the galaxies that are infinite. If God has given this much attention to His creation then I see that “we are created in His image” and even the lowest of us matter to God. I am not to just receive God’s love and grace but I am called to me in loud words to “Go out into all the world” so that He will be known. That is where my thoughts took me today. May God bless you and keep you make His face shine on you. Love Janet

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July 16, 2018

Greetings my Friend, As I write I have been waking up for several hours already. With Parkinson's I don't roll out of bed anymore ...